
SToMPDoWNKiLLAinc's header
SToMPDoWNKiLLAinc's avatar
commented on vicegold's article  7 months ago

i started this game in the trading apps somehow before playing and i remember thinking that this was cool ..i can buy items play them on my cars in game and trade them off if i get bored of it .NOW YOUR JUST STEALING ALL THE MONEY EVERYONE HAS PUT INTO A GAME THEY LOVE BY MAKING ITEMS WORTHLESS AND USELESS...WAY 2 GO

SToMPDoWNKiLLAinc's avatar
commented on vicegold's article  7 months ago

ya im super choked that Rocket League is removing the trading ,then i do remember the Scammers to ...and not only do i hold the blame on these owners who know squat really about the comradery of this game and the trading ...but all you ass hats who ever scammed people ...i hold you partially responsible for this ...all the scammed probably complained so much that they thought this would be the right thing ....call me crazy but it may have had some sliver of reason this may be happening , your going to kill your own game and get to see it in real time ...hmmm bet that will be fun for you at epic , Phsyonix and Unreal Engine ..i know im already losing interst so once trades are gone i most likely will also be ...im already selling of every bit of cash i put into the game by inventory ...i want my money back i feel you dont deserve to just steal all our money like this by making all our stock useless now ...isnt this a crime ...someone look this up plz...







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